Tuesday 5 June 2012

Tips for Home Carpet Cleaning

Homecarpet cleaning is one of the most important yet most demanding household chores. The way the carpets are made and the materials used to make them make them difficult to clean. Sometimes, your average vacuum cleaner is not enough to remove the dirt and stains. But that is not enough reason to fret. If you are up to the challenge, you can deep clean your heavily soiled carpet by yourself. We have listed some guidelines to help you clean your carpet and make it look good as new.
First, buy a steamer or a wet cleaning machine. You can find such products online and in your local hardware stores. If you do not want to buy, you can rent them from your local carpet cleaning service providers. Usually, the detergents and other cleaning products are included in the package if you rent the steamer. If you bought it, you can drop by the nearest grocery and buy cleaning products. 

 carpet surface will make the wet cleaning process easier for home carpet cleaning

When everything that you need is ready, vacuum the carpet thoroughly. Vacuuming will remove the dust, dirt and debris that can be found on the carpet’s surface. Lessening the dirt on the carpet surface will make the wet cleaning process easier. To ensure that the product is safe for your carpet, spray a small amount on a small area first.
Spray the cleaning product on the heavily soiled areas or wherever you think the solution is necessary. Put more of the product on the areas that look hard to clean. This way, you can significantly save on carpet shampoo.
Follow the instructions on the steamer user manual and start cleaning. You can use special detergents to remove stains and odour caused by animals. Be sure not to saturate the carpet with too much water because it can damage the floor underneath. Once you are finished using the steamer, it is time to rinse the carpet.rinsing the carpet may require more water to efficiently remove the cleaning solution and the shampoo. To know if the carpet is already rinsed, test it by using your hand. If water droplets get into your hand as you move it on the carpet surface, do the water extractions process once again. You will know if the carpet is successfully rinsed if it feels damp and if it feels wrung out.
Dry the carpet overnight. Before laying it again on the floor make sure that it is completely dry. Otherwise, the wetness will attract more dirt, putting your efforts into waste. For faster drying, you can open the window or use a fan. 

Is it Ideal to Hire a Carpet Cleaning Company for Home Carpet Cleaning?
If you do not have the time to perform home carpet cleaning, you can avail the services of a home carpet cleaning company. In many ways they bring advantages and among those is the use of modern equipment to clean your carpet. And because they work faster, you can use your carpet soon after it is cleaned.
Following these tips, you can perform home carpet cleaning by yourself without spending too much time, money and effort.

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